
Post-bariatric Surgeries

Developed countries have accepted that the most important epidemic disease of today is “obesity”. Today, increasing calorie intake and decreasing physical activity have led to an increase in the number of obese people in the society.

Obesity is not only a serious problem in terms of health in older ages, but it is also not suitable for today's aesthetic perception. For this reason, obese people try very hard to lose weight.

Therefore, obesity (bariatric surgery) surgeries (stomach reduction, gastric bypass, tube stomach, etc.) have become very common nowadays. After these procedures, people lose weight quickly and regain their health. However, the skin often cannot accompany this weakening. The skin, which is excessive and taut when fat, sags when weakened and unacceptable folds-looseness occur.

In this case, post-obesity aesthetic procedures (post bariatric surgery) come into play.

With post bariatric surgery procedures, wherever the body is sagging, that area can be recovered, shaped and stretched. Abdominal stretching, breast lift, 360 body lift, leg stretching, arm stretching, face-neck stretching, back stretching etc.)

What is 360 Body lift?

360 body lift (belt lipectomy) is a procedure that is usually performed after excessive weight loss. It provides shaping of the abdomen, waist and buttocks in the same session. We usually start post-obesity recovery with 360 body lifts. Thus, the middle and central region of the body is shaped.

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